Where does cbd come from?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, a cousin of marijuana, or is manufactured in a laboratory. What is the difference between hemp and marijuana? A product labeled CBD or CBD oil must, in fact, contain the cannabinoid CBD; however, a product labeled as hemp oil or extract may or may NOT contain CBD. The part of the hemp plant from which the oil is derived will determine whether or not the oil contains cannabinoids such as CBD.

If the product says hemp oil or hemp extract, but doesn't mention active cannabinoids, it's very likely that the product doesn't contain CBD. CBD oil, or cannabidiol oil, is an oil created by extracting cannabidiol from a cannabis or hemp plant. The result is an oil that contains high concentrations of CBD and can vary in the levels of other cannabinoids or plant compounds. Ananda Professional understands the importance of patient education and markets a fully legal and compliant line of CBD oil products, created specifically for independent pharmacies and healthcare professionals.

CBD oil derived from hemp, it is useful to perform a basic taxonomy of cannabis to better understand the cannabis plant. Hemp contains high levels of CBD and a low level of THC (0.2%), which is the legal threshold for cannabis sativa in the United States. For many years, this discovery remained undeveloped until, in 1963, the effects of CBD were discovered by Israeli scientist Dr. These fears are understandable, especially since the terminology surrounding CBD can be very confusing.

For those who have the freedom to choose the plant source of their CBD, experts tend to highlight the benefits of choosing whole-plant products when possible, whether the whole plant is hemp or marijuana. That said, whether CBD is extracted from hemp or marijuana, it's still identical on a molecular level. However, it is impossible to “get high” using hemp with CBD (which has no or only traces of THC), since it is also impossible to “get high” by consuming CBD oil products (which do not contain THC). A much larger amount of plant material is needed to extract the same amount of CBD oil from hemp as from marijuana.

When it comes to CBD, much of its fame is due to its reputation for relieving pain and reducing stress in the body. We will look at each of the types of CBD oil in depth in the following article so that you understand the pros and cons and can decide if one of them is right for you. The most scientific evidence to date for cannabinoids is found in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). I agree that most of my patients find that having THC, even the 0.3% found in hemp-derived CBD products, is more effective than 0% THC products, Damas said.